Открытые Студии
Meet the future of the art scene

February - August 2023
Mentor of the season: Lera Kononchuk

"Artists strive to touch upon socially important topics in their works, to find ways to translate acute social, theoretical and significant everyday issues into the plane of mediated experience. However, this experience and reflections associated with it are sometimes produced not so much by the development of the theme, but by the very vague nature of artistic works and practices, their opacity. Can we talk about knowledge in this case? If so, what is the nature of this knowledge? And what can work with different artistic methodologies give in this sense?"

July 2022 - December 2022
Mentor of the season: Alexey Maslyaev

"The main theme of the eighth season formulated as an "according to the situation". It describes not so much the practices of future residents as my general ideas about Studios and the expectations associated with them. Usually, when offering a topic, the tutor outlines the boundaries of the area (interests, working methods, expressive means, etc.) in which future Studio's residents find themselves. This situation is not close to me, and I am more impressed with the approach when the priority is the figure of the artist. I adhere to the principle that not only the topic, but even the ways of my interaction with residents are not predetermined and should take shape after determining the composition of participants and getting to know them."

December 2021 - May 2022
Mentor of the season: Alexey Maslyaev

«In my opinion, the discussion format in which participants regularly give speeches in front of each other is especially important. On the one hand, artists develop the skill of talking about their projects, on the other hand, they learn to listen to their colleagues. This format also allows to track down the development of the project. It supposes that artists regularly present what they are currently doing. Thus, it is possible to see the directions they are taking, to track the flow of their thoughts, to get the very way of their thinking. And this, in turn, is related to the research methodology. It is interesting to see how much it has in common with the scientific methodology. Can we even talk about scientific nature of artistic method? Or is it just speculation? And if so, should the speculative nature of this supposition be visible to a viewer?»
June – September 2021
Mentor: Alina Gutkina

"I'm going to tell you a story. It is a lie. But not everything in it is false"

The leitmotif of the 6th season of the Open Studios is the expression "The body is a student, a laboratory and a teacher." The body tells stories, and we don't always know the language to understand its logic. We are only opening up, taking a step towards interaction, towards new disciplines. Season 6 residents will be invited to "stay", "exist" in a new, not yet inhabited house – Open Studios – and conduct self-presentation through game models.
June – November 2020
Mentor: Andrey Parshikov

In season 5, the concept of the project changes. The "Open Studios +" expansion has been added to the regular programs to support even more talented emerging artists.
Workshop program
Pop-up program
Program "Open Studios +"
October 2019 – February 2020
Mentor: Andrey Parshikov

Season 4 of the Open Studios has become, on the one hand, one of the most socially engaged due to the feminist festival organized by residents, on the other hand, saturated with time-oriented art. The fact is that this time, in addition to the residents of the Open Studios, pop-up artists who were involved in the production of performances and dance performances took part in the project.
Workshop program
Pop-up program
April – August 2019
Mentor: Andrey Parshikov

Season 3, which turned out to be the most eventful, proved the ability of artists to self-organize and the possibility of dialogue. At the same time, the demand for performativity was evident at the final exhibition. All artists expressed themselves in a medium that was not the most typical for them, thereby raising the question of the impossibility of self-restraint by traditional means of expression.
Workshop program
October 2018 – February 2019
Mentor: Andrey Parshikov

In Season 2, the focus of the project was self-organization. Artists and artists initiated new activities, held master classes and set the rhythm of the Studios' life. The result of the season was the reporting exhibition "Common Table", supplemented by a wide public program of excursions and lectures.
Workshop program
October 2017 – July 2018
Mentor: Andrey Parshikov

For 1 season of the project, 8 Russian artists and 2 foreign residents have completed more than 100 works in the Studios. The results of the development of their projects were personal exhibitions in famous galleries and a group exhibition "Victory over White" in the special program of the 6th Moscow International Biennale for Young Art. The season also resulted in a collaboration with the designers of the Be In Open fashion forum, in which three authors participated in the creation of a collection with elements of their paintings.
Workshop program